Thursday 23 June 2016


On May 30th some grade 6 student went on a unforgettable trip called KEARNEY! It was full of adventures. We had fun pranking, playing, screaming, hiking, canoeing and swimming. On top is all the students that have went to this wonderful trip.

Lake front
When we went to the lake front we got very excited to canoe and swim. Up there it was a beautiful view. In one canoe there are 3 people. We had to canoe to a specific location. We started at different times. Me and my 2 friends had a race with our teacher and they won by 1 second. For that we push there boat and then he pushed ours and we got tipped over. That was actually my favorite part of the trip, tipping over.
Then after awhile everybody ate got extra clothes and a towel to swim.

Other things we did were play games like capture the flag and predators and prey. When playing capture the flag I sprained my ankle.(OUCH) So I wasn't able to play the other games like sword of the stone and predator and prey. One other thing we did was see creatures in the pond like frogs. Even though I tipped and sprained my ankle I had the most amazing time of my life.

We also pranked the boys in there cabin, now obviously the girls won cause they are smarter. We started around 11:55 and ended at 12:40. (my prediction)

This trip was the best day of my life and I will never forget. The only bad news is that there is a mouse and there are lots of flies and other bugs over there.
Girls cabin!


Predator and prey game

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Canada's awesome WONDERLAND!!!!!!!

 Have you ever been to Canada's Wonderland? If you have or haven't I am telling you it is absolutely fun. I been there lots and lots of time. I go every summer. It is the best place there are rides, water parks and slides and a show at the end with the music and lights on.

Some rides are extremely scary and some are very fun. My favorite rides are the hammer, cyclone, riptide, the log and the orbiter. There is three that I never sat on. One is called the bat. It is a roller coaster that goes front with a loop and then backwards really fast. I also didn't sit on the the two biggest roller coasters in wonderland which is called behemoth and leviathan. Otherwise all the rides in Canada's Wonderland are incredible. Search up the other rides to see how it looks if you never seen it before.

In Canada's Wonderland there is Pizza Pizza you could eat outside on the tables. There are lots
of other restaurants too. The pizza's are very yummy.

I hope you want to go to Wonderland too in the summer. It is very fun, but there is a lot of rush and you have to be patient while waiting to go on the ride. Try it out!!!! :)

Friday 15 April 2016

Winter arrives and dissapears

Winter is freezing cold. When winter comes everyone stays home, drinking hot chocolate and watching T.V. It feels great but at the same time it can be terrible. Wind blowing at night, snow falling on the ground and its extremely cold. It would be so cold getting groceries, going to schools and playing outside like usually. Everything would be sad, depressing and gloomy.

But snow is amazing. You can built snowmans, snow angles, snow forts and snowballs to have a.... SNOWBALL FIGHT. As you can see, snow can be fun,  But it can be bad too. If you walk to school you would have to walk slowly. Why? Because it might be slippery and plus it would be hard to walk too, because of all the snow on the ground. In addition, you have to drive slow too.

After a while, the flowers start growing and everything becomes happy again. Playing outside with friends, riding bikes and going on morning walks. Is in it such a jolly happy feeling! It wouldn't be cold anymore so you don't have to wear jackets, scarfs, mitts and hats. You can go to the swimming pool and have picnics on nice fresh green grass. Don't you love the feeling and the smell of summer!!!! :)

Sunday 20 March 2016


       Omg, did you know that rabbits can turn there heads 360 clockwise. Also they can look behind them without turning there heads! Well you might think that is impossible,but it is true they can turn there eyes all the way to the back of there heads without turning! There are 30 species of rabbits. Rabbits can jump 1 meter high and 3 meters far. As you know rabbits are usually white or brown with big eyes. Did you know that just like humans rabbits get bored if the environment stays the same? Most rabbits are busy in the evening hunting for food. They usually eat herbs, peas, grass, crops, lettuce and sometimes their own poo.Some people eat rabbits. When rabbits have nothing to do they dig holes and have different entrances and exits. Rabbits have about 28 teeth. Rabbits teeth always grow and they could chew on a toy. They live in meadows, woods, forests, grassland and wetlands. Also like humans rabbits need exercise. That is all about rabbits I know, I hope you learned something new  and enjoyed my facts..


Sunday 13 March 2016

my little jolly dolly sister

                                 My Little Jolly dolly Sister ;)

My little sister's name is Habiba. She is fun, sweet and caring.But sometimes she gets                                         a little annoying.I have 3 sisters, 2 that are older then me and one that is small. My favorite one is my second biggest sister but I am writing about my little one. She is in senior kindergarten and like me and my other sister she loves chocolate. She is very crazy at times but she is sweet as honey. We both love sports, art, music and we both love to dance! She loves me and I love her, but we both hate each other at times(a lot)! I drop her to school and I play with her after school on my laptop. She is irritating sometimes.

                  She is the best
             and never wants to rest,
                   she is sweet
            but not neat on a sheet,
            In times she can be fun
   but wouldn't eat a bun or run all around,
             she does get annoying,
         she is my sister that I love!


Thursday 10 March 2016

                                Friendship is Important!
Friends are really important in life. They make you laugh, happy, smile and they make you stronger. Best friends are there for you to share secrets and they are there for you to solve your problems. They build happiness in your life and bring JOY.

Make sure you have nice, kind, sweet and caring friends. Friends that don't talk behind your back, that share there stuff with you, that never lie and last but not least friends that love you and trust you!

Through out your life you do need one person to talk with, to go out with, to work with, share problems with and also a person where you could be crazy around and just have FUN!
Never forget that one person that brought laughter in your life!Friends are key to the world. All you need is a best friend to stick with.

Friends are the one that made you more CONFIDENT  and BRAVER! :)

Tuesday 8 March 2016

                           Tom Longboat Jr public                                              school

          Tom Longboat is the school I go to. It is named after a famous athlete that is a runner. In my school I joined lot's of clubs and teams. For example, I joined recycling, compost, CO-ED volleyball and I help in the office at lunch time on Mondays! I joined the girls basketball team too but that is over now. Also I was a score keeper for the boys basketball team

My school has lot's of activities and lot's more clubs for people to get along and represent themselves. I am going to graduate from this school in June. I am looking forward for getting the athletic award, valedictorian award and the academic award.

 The teachers in this school are very funny and nice. For example my teacher who is Mrs. Perrin, my volleyball coach who is Mr. Mark and Mr.Smith who is in the picture under with a blue shirt.There are lot's of more teachers that are funny, kind and sweet. I love my school and my teachers.  :)